Sometimes it takes hitting the bottom(again), in order to move forward.

It’s been just over six months since my last post and in that post I shared how I had been struggling, with getting back on track, nutrition wise and I’m disappointed to say that I’m still struggling. I’ve completely lost my focus, which was and should be my health. It’s been close to a year of on-again-off-again Paleo/Primal eating for me and in that time I have learned something about myself and my body. It is necessary for me to be VERY strict in what I eat and not deviate from primal foods, otherwise it is an extremely slippery slope. Not only does this cause my progress to halt but it eventually leads to me regressing. Two days ago, I saw my side view, in a full length mirror, and it made me sad. I have regressed so much and while I knew I had started to gain a little bit back, I did not realize just how much progress I had lost. I feel almost as though I am right back to where I started and that makes me feel pretty downright discouraged. However, another thing I have learned on this journey is that I have the tools and knowledge I need, to break those poor habits and start creating healthy ones *again*. I chose to not wait until the New Year to do so. Instead, I commit to breaking the cycle and “getting back on track” today! This also, will hopefully mean more consistent blog posts…. 😉 I want to share all of the ups and downs I go through, in hopes of helping others. Sometimes it feels like I’m the only one living this lifestyle, who experiences these struggles. I know that can’t be the case but I want to be sure I am transparent in my journey, so that others who have these times of “weakness” know they are not alone. ENJOY the journey, setbacks and all! Consider your setbacks an opportunity to reflect on your journey and learn something about yourself.

Here’s to finishing out 2013 on a positive foot!

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