When The Little Things Are Actually A Really Big Deal

Today was a breakthrough for me. I am very much an all or nothing kind of person. Back in July of 2012 when I went strict Paleo and saw amazing results I wasn’t able to maintain that lifestyle for more than a few months. Once I fell “off track” I never truly got back “on track” and over the next year and a half I gained back all that I had lost, including my lack of self confidence. I hate that it has taken me this long to decide I am worth living a healthy balanced lifestyle(again) but today the struggle feels worth it. Last night we hosted friends for dinner. We had taco salad and I was determined going into the evening to “stay strong” and not eat any tortilla chips. But I eventually decided it was worth making an exception to have chips with the delicious guac I had made and the salsa we got from our favorite local Mexican restaurant. Plus, our friends had brought GF brownies and ice cream. So I also indulged in a small brownie and a couple small scoops of ice cream. Here’s where I felt the breakthrough happen. Although I felt overly full I did not allow myself to feel guilty and I committed to go straight back to eating nutritious foods, that support my goals, today. This morning I resisted getting white chocolate in my Americano and when I got home from church I opted for a bunless burger with homemade coleslaw for lunch, instead of eating more chips with salsa, like I was briefly tempted to. To some this may sound silly or like common sense but this is something I have struggled with my entire life. Finding balance between leading a healthy lifestyle to help me reach my goals and still being able to truly enjoy an occasional treat is a habit that I must learn and I feel like today was a huge step in the right direction.

A year later….

So, here I am a year later and exactly where I was nearly a year ago when I wrote my last post here. It’s been a year of not taking my health or my goals seriously, therefore I have seen no progress towards where I want to be. I’ve heard the term “analysis paralysis” before and today I realized that’s my problem…. I keep searching and researching, hoping to find the “holy grail” of fat loss that allows me to still eat whatever I want. I get so confused and overwhelmed at the contradicting info I come across that I can’t move forward. Here’s the deal: I’ve done this before and seen great success. I have the tools, I just need to put them to use. I came across my old progress pics today and was so angry at myself! WHY have I let myself go for so long and why is it so tough to “get back on track”? It simply comes down to do I truly want this? If so(and I do!), I need to just take it back to the basics, practice what I preach, eat real food that supports my goals and give my all in the gym, consistently. Remaining where I am is not an option. I’m not happy and will not be until I am living a healthy and fit lifestyle. I’m determined to finish 2014 out much differently than 2013, so that I don’t have to make that a New Year’s resolution! Who’s with me?