Day 6 {Trusting The Whole 30 Process}

According to this Whole 30 timeline I was supposed to feel über tired today but instead I felt the best I have felt yet, since starting my Whole 90, 6 days ago. However, I did feel ravenous and may have *slightly* binged on bananas with salted almond butter and dried fruit. But that’s neither here nor there. If that’s the worst thing I do on this program, I’m totes okay with it. (Yes I did just say totes and no, I’m not ashamed).

I’m someone who loves instant gratification and with the challenge I gave my father riding on my results I’m anxious to start seeing some changes in my body. They aren’t happening yet(that I can see) but I am trusting that they will come. And I’m trusting that there’s a lot more going on internally, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well, that I am unaware of just yet. One positive change I have noticed is my skin is beginning to clear up and is looking more radiant. That’s certainly a welcome change. If this program clears my skin up, for the first time since puberty, I will be a Whole 30er fo’ life, son!

Stay tuned for more on how my Whole 90 is going and I promise there will eventually be some progress pics! ☺️

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